The Lipstick Effect: There’s a science to feeling good
February 28, 2022
3 minutes Read

“If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack”. Wise words from Coco Chanel, the OG beauty influencer, who even back then, realised the transformative powers of a lipstick. Well, maybe you’re not actually attacking someone (or at least we hope you’re not), but you’re definitely attacking life. Trying to adjust back to normality as everything reopens, getting ticked off the vaccination list and just trying to keep up with the general day to day can be exhausting, so making that extra effort often makes us feel like we are better prepared to face the day and take on the world.
Not that we need another reason to break out our favourite Lip Duo (with 11 gorgeous shades, it’s so difficult to only choose one), but now science finally agrees!
A study by Harvard Medical School in the USA found that people who wore make-up experienced increased productivity and increased cognitive ability compared to those who don’t wear make-up. For those of us who don’t have a thesaurus on hand, that means getting through your work quicker, easier and most importantly, better.
And what is the underlying reason you may ask? Surely the peachy goodness of a creamy lipstick can’t seep into your pores to ignite some hidden intelligence? No, unfortunately a Lip Duo cannot magically turn us into Einstein, but the truth is far more interesting.

It all comes down to one word: CONFIDENCE! Scientists have found that make-up increases self-esteem, which in turn pumps up your attitude, personality and performance! Now if that’s not magic we don’t know what is. Self-care doesn’t always need to consist of long, luxurious baths, rhythmic chanting and running around connecting to your inner child. Sometimes it can just be about making the effort to do the things that make you feel like the main character, because you are! It’s like adding your favourite pair of heels to your ‘jeans & a nice top’ outfit, or rocking your favourite designer handbag because it makes you feel that little more boujee, so if you can get that same feeling from a swipe of a lipstick, then why not?

With our Sculpted Lip Duos, you have a creamy lipstick on one end and a slightly deeper liner on the other, making it even easier for you to show up as your best self. No fussing trying to match your lipstick & liner, and no worrying about losing your lip liner on a night out (we’ve all been there and why is it always the expensive ones we lose?) Our lip duo’s are the ultimate handbag hero, and they come in 11 gorgeous shades!

You can also rest assured that our lip duos are vegan, cruelty free & gluten free!
We feel it’s important to add in here that we aren’t saying we think you need to wear makeup to be or feel confident. In fact, you’ll find our CEO Aimee Connolly, makeup free at least 90% of the time. Let makeup be your creative guide, an outlet for expression and a way for you to appreciate and enhance your already amazing features. We believe strongly in #filterfreefaces and that becoming comfortable in your own skin is truly all the confidence you need, but if scientists say that adding a swipe of lipstick can help us boost our mood, then you don’t need to ask us twice.

So do what makes you feel good and just know that your inner goddess has always been there whether you wear makeup or not, you just have to be daring enough to express it!
Do you have a favourite lip duo? We’d love to hear from you!
Make sure you tag us in those self care selfies wearing your favourite lip duo shade.
@ sculptedbyaimee #filterfreefaces
Lots of Love
Aimee & Team xx