Back To School Essentials
October 04, 2022
5 minutes Read

It’s that time of year again, the kids are back to school, which means mornings are back to being super super busy and most Mum’s are lucky to even squeeze five minutes to themselves. This can make your morning routine even more difficult, especially when you have some small ones desperately needing your attention.
Even the busiest Mum’s deserve to have some kind of morning routine that sets them up feeling good about themselves for the day ahead. We caught up with the Mum’s of Sculpted to try and steal their tips on how to make your morning routine that little bit smoother.
We sat down with our Commercial Director Carol (Mum of 2), our Marketing Manager Nimah ( Mum of 1), and our Accountant Leah (Mum of 2) to ask them some questions.
Here’s what they had to say..
Describe your morning routine?

Carol - “You can sum up my mornings in one word - Busy! Between getting everyone fed, dressed and ready for school it is all go”

Leah - “I generally get up and look after myself first, so shower, do my skincare and get dressed. Then it's time to get the kids up and get them ready for school. This includes getting them dressed, breakfast, and dropping them off to school for the day. I generally give myself an hour and a half to get everything done and out the door”
Nimah - “I set my alarm for 6.30 most mornings in the hopes my son will sleep until 7.30am-8am, allowing me enough time to get everything ready for the day ahead. I have a quick glance at my emails while I make a strong coffee. Once I’ve had my caffeine intake, I have a super quick body shower which is swiftly followed by applying my makeup and styling my hair. I always wait until my hair and makeup are done to pick my outfit (I don’t know what it is but i feel hair & makeup are a big part of that decision)."
"Once dressed, I double check Cody’s bag for crèche (packed the night prior along with his outfit) and then wake him up (if he hasn’t woken up already) - we have a few minutes of a cuddle while he wakes up, followed by a mini struggle of a nappy change and getting him dressed. Luckily he loves to brush his teeth so that’s a quick win!”

How long do you spend applying makeup/getting yourself ready in the mornings?
Carol - “Minimal time is the name of the game. I have about 10 or 15 minutes to get myself ready, but I have mastered the art of getting ready quickly with my key products I know work for me!”
Leah - “Skincare is my go-to when I'm in a rush. I only have about 10 minutes so prioritise my base and can always add more makeup throughout the day should I need to.”
Nimah - “This can take anything from 30 - 45mins (all depends if I need to style my hair). I make sure most of Cody’s stuff is organised the night before as it’s always a quick dash out of the house in order to get him to the crèche on time. He has breakfast at the crèche but I often bring a smoothie for the car to keep him going until then.”
What are your top 3 essential products for getting ready as quickly as possible?
Carol - “Having my key products that work for me is so important, especially with limited time in the morning. So for me one of my top 3 essentials is Beauty Base Protect - this is my all in one moisturiser, primer and SPF. Next up is Cream Luxe Blush, I pat this on both cheeks to add a quick pop of colour. This is super easy to apply and takes very little time. My third essential is MyMascara - one swipe and I look instantly alive!”
Leah - “I like to start my routine with a nice clean base with Fresh Faced - this is gentle yet hardworking and gives me the perfect cleansed skin for the day. Next up is my favourite serum, HydraGlo. Hydrating my skin is essential (I love a glow), and this product is lightweight yet super hydrating. I love that you can buy the refills individually too."
"Lastly is Beauty Base Protect - I use this on my kids' faces everyday too! With SPF50 it is not only moisturising but has the added protection too. I do a lot of outdoor sports and walking the dog etc so I'm always in the elements so it's important to be taking care of my skin.”

Nimah - “My top 3 essential products would have to be Bare Basics Palette in Nude 02 - my everyday go to for my eyes and face, Brighten & Define Eyeliner Duo and a pop colour on my cheeks with Cream Luxe Blush! & Voila!”
What's the one product you just couldn't live without?
Carol - “This is an easy one, for me it’s Brighten Up Concealer. Brighten Up is the ultimate fix for dark circles when I haven't had enough sleep. It is so simple to apply too, just a simple swipe under each eye and pat it in with my finger. Instant brightness and coverage.”

Leah - “For me, Beauty Base Protect is the one product I couldn't live without. Applying SPF is so important as we age. I use this on my kid’s faces daily too!”
Nimah - “Velvet Veil Mini! I’m super oily and this is my holy grail when it comes to quick touch ups throughout the day! Keeps shine at bay one brush stroke at a time.”
Any top morning tips you can share with other Mums?
Carol - “I always get up before the kids to get dressed and pop my makeup on. Taking this time for myself always makes me feel more ready to take on the day.”
Leah - “My top tip is to prepare for the next day the night before. I lay out the breakfast dishes and have the coffee machine prepped ready to go to save myself time in the morning. It’s my life saver!”

Nimah - “Every morning can be different with a toddler so as long as you have a lot of the prep & organisation done the night before, there should be plenty of time for any curve balls that might come your way! And lots of coffee!”

Whether it’s five minutes or fifteen, allowing yourself that time in the morning to yourself is so worth it. You’ll notice yourself working better and feeling more confident about the day ahead. Sure, you may not get to do this every day, but even the quickest swipe of mascara can really help uplift your mood.
Tell us, busy Mum’s, what are your morning saviours? Do you allow yourself some time in the morning?
Let us know on @sculptedbyaimee
Love Aimee & Team x